Monday, March 2, 2009

Its and It's Rule

Knowing when to use "its" and when to use "it's" is an easy decision to make once you understand the difference between the two.

Its - even though used to indicate ownership, it is the rare case in which there is no apostrophe required - eg. the dog scratched its fleas, the car blew one of its tyres

It's - the contraction of "it" + "is" - eg. It's going to be hot today, it's a shame we missed the start of the game

It is easy to become confused when both forms appear in one sentence, such as:

"If the dog keeps scratching its fleas, it's going to end up with a bald patch."

When all else fails, solve your its/it's dilemma this way - if you can break it into two parts, "it" and "is", and your sentence still makes perfect sense, then you know that "it's" is the correct form. You will know - "the dog scratched it is fleas" just doesn't work.

Practise using the its/it's rule a few times and you'll become an expert in no time!

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