Friday, April 10, 2009

Word of the Week - TWILIGHT

For those who read yesterday's post, you'll know it's a lucky thing I'm still here and able to blog! To continue the theme, however:

Word of the week - TWILIGHT


- the period from sunset to dark
- any growing darkness
- a period of decline

Pronunciation - twi-light

Word origin - 1387 The exact connotation of twi- is unclear, but it may refer to "half" light. Originally used in English to refer to evening twilight but occasionally used to describe the period of time between sunrise to day (morning twilight).

Word type -

1. noun

eg. The twilight hours were often a time for reflection upon the day's events.

2. adjective

eg. She had entered the twilight years of her career as an actress.

1 comment:

  1. Twilight in London is getting later and later every day! Great time of year in the city with Spring everywhere and an extra 3 mins of sunshine every day. Fingers crossed it will be a beautiful Spring day on the 9th May.
